5 Ways to Be Less Overwhelmed​ with Social Media (audio)

Are you tired of social media and all the online chaos sometimes? Do you feel you need to take a break from all those apps but at the same time you are checking every single notification popping up on your smartphone screen? Social media and internet, in general, give us a lot of information and we can communicate so much better and faster than ever before. Unfortunately that can also cause that overwhelming feeling. Sometimes it’s just too much.

Here are 5 ideas, I use, to get that a little bit more under control. To be able to. find the balance between offline and online worlds. Hope you find those 5 tips as useful as I do.

episode available on Apple Podcast (click here), on Spotify (click here)

Question of the Day: Do you feel overwhelmed with social media and technology? Do you have a way to balance your digital and offline worlds? 

As always let’s connect on Twitter: @KlaudiaJurewicz


Social Media for Older Adults & Non-Techies Helper by day and Groovy Photo Chaser all the time

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