Christmas Time Is Over

cactus holiday decorations

That’s It! Christmas time is over before it’s really started.

The moment after Thanksgiving almost every radio station is playing Christmas/Holiday music, almost every store is displaying holiday decorations, and I’m not even going to mention TV. And so what?! We see and hear that “holiday spirit” everywhere without even thinking about the real ‘holiday spirit”.

It’s all about the money. OK! I get it, maybe not for everyone it’s all about the money. But when you think about it:

  • people talk about what holiday gifts they are going to give or want to get
  • planning Christmas dinner with all the bells and whistles
  • planning who is coming for that Christmas dinner (family time! eeh)
  • decorating hose to the point that it’s hard to see that is still the house
  • shopping fever with all those “super deals” that are not really that super

Do I sound pessimistic? Not really, I just look around and that’s what I see (most of the time). And it scares me a lot. Of course I’m aware that many people talk about how we all should help others in need, that it is time for good charity work, volunteering, etc. And some of us do just that – help…for 5 minutes and they feel so much better that they did and that’s it, nothing more.

And I get it, we are busy with all the family and work things but somehow I believe that helping others should be all year long not just for holidays. But somehow the end of the year we feel that this is the best time to do something good so we feel good. Is that really enough?

And how about so many people that are alone during holidays? It’s not that hard to find out if someone is going to spend holidays by him/her-self. Do we do something about it? Do we at least try? How does it make us feel? Uncomfortable?

Most of the time when I thought about Christmas/Holidays I wished it was longer so we can celebrate that time a little bit more. Now I think: I’m glad it’s short. Let’s get it over with so we can move on to the new year. And it’s sad because I believe that this time should be special with deeper meaning. It’s not about how many and what gingerbread cookies we are going to bake or how much money are we going to spend on gifts, etc.

…or maybe it’s just me that I can’t see that deeper Christmas spirit? I hope it’s me otherwise it’s not that good.


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